Wednesday, November 26, 2008

26 week appointment!

I had my Doc appt yesterday. Everything looks fine, My uterus is measuring 29 in( i guess). That is a bit bigger than where I should be but, He said that its okay. I am now 19 lbs heavier than my first appointment, and I should gain about 14 more lbs (please please please let it only be that!!!!!! hahaha) I go back in 2 weeks for my glucose tollerance test to see if I am developing gestational diabieties. I think I am fine though with that. I asked him about my mood swings and crying spells and he told me to see if I could go with out taking a med, it would be better for me and the baby if I didnt. I also told him that I am regreting not finding out what the sex is of the baby, he offered to let me know right then!!! I told him I would think about it and let him know at my next visit. Other than my psychoness from the hormones, my back is aching, I am tired a lot and I will admit it, I am not as good at cleaning up as I usually am. My friend gave me the rest of this funny cheer from High School that keeps making me laugh as I tweek it for me being pregnant:

My back is aching
My pants too tight
My bootys shakin from left to right( the new 20 lbs of it!)
My socks are on ( its getting harder to do though!)
My do is done ( In a pony tail )
Get it on (uuuuhhhh, not so much)
Right on, right on!

So here is my version:
My back is ackin'
My pants too tight
My booty shakin from left to right
cant put my socks on
I am almost done
snore on and on and on!

I could probably make some more up too:
I peed my pants
last time I coughed
gettin hard to take my coat off
the heart burns here
my tums are gone
time drags on and on and on!

Friday, November 21, 2008

My lovely baby bump!

I havent posted my tummy pictures in a while because Zack teased me about it. But he is camping tonight so he cant poke fun!!!(hahahaha) I am 25 weeks along so far, this is what says about this stage. Head to heels, your baby now measures about 13 1/2 inches. Her weight — a pound and a half — isn't much more than an average rutabaga, but she's beginning to exchange her long, lean look for some baby fat. As she does, her wrinkled skin will begin to smooth out and she'll start to look more and more like a newborn. She's also growing more hair — and if you could see it, you'd now be able to discern its color and texture. I have my next Doctors apointment next tuesday for my 26 week check up! I hope the Holiday Season helps me forget how much longer I will have to remain in the state of pregnancy!!!!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


For FHE last nigt our activity Zyan picked was to paint! She got out the paint and paper, plates and cups, it was a lot of fun.........UNTIL....We all got a little out of control and paint ended up on faces! We all decided to make beards and mustachs like Daddys! However I really didnt want to participate in this but Chazz is just so stinking persistant!!!! Thats how I ended up with the yellow mustach! We really enjoyed this fun time together!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Zacks Birthday!

This is 2 weeks late!!!!(just my style!) I wanted to write a little bit about our night out at the melting pot!!!!! We had so much fun together, the atmosphere was romantic it felt like we were alone in the restraunt. We got a fondue 4 course meal, it started with a cheese dip with bread and veggies and apples to dip, then we had salad, next was our main meal, it included pork, chicken, shrimp, lobster, salmon and steak with a variety of dipping sauces oh yes and veggies to cook in the broth too. (the meat you cooked in a broth right there at your table). We finnished off with a desert fondue and zack choose a white chocolate dipping sauce and there was strawberries, pound cake, rice crispies, marshmallows and cheese cake to dip! Wow was this meal satisfying delicious and really entertaining. We got there a bit early at 4:30 and we didnt get done until 7pm! We decided to skip the jazz game and just go hang out at home. I hope Zack enjoyed his birthday(I know I did!!!hehe)-----The only draw back to the restraunt is the price!!!! I will definatly save up to go again! for the 4 course meal+drinks+tip, expect to save around 125.00---for special occasions totally worth every penny! I almost forgot the other news from Nov. 1 Zyan lost her second tooth while eating a cookie!