Saturday, September 20, 2008


Chazz has just started a pee wee soccer! He had his frist game on Thursday and It was so stinking funny! All of the kids run at the ball at the same time and they are pushing and kicking to get at the ball. Chazz is suprisingly pretty good at breaking away frm the group with the ball and in the Thursday game almost scored 3 times, he was just running too fast to redirect his body/ball towards the goal. He ran so hard and was so tired after the game. Also he was sad because none of his balls made it in the net.
Today however was a different story! Chazz had 5 goals!(Only 3 counted). He was fast and agressive and he made the goals! He was so excited and happy he did it he would throw his hands up and shout for joy. He is learing about team work and that its great when anyone on his team scores not just if its him.
Anyway here are some of the pictures from the game, and of chazz crying at his first goal attempt of the day, good thing his luck turned around.

Friday, September 19, 2008


Lately I have been a food storage junkie! I loved the case lot sales this month and I am glad I have 1 more week left to stock up on things at great prices. Last weekend one of the Brothers in my ward gave me a flat of blackberries. Boy did he open a can of worms for me! With in an hour I had them all cleaned and seperated, bad(garbage), o-kay (syrup and muffins that day!), really good I froze and planned on making jam. Well then on Wednesday our neighbor Alma gave us a Huge grocery sack full of peaches from her tree! I immediately thought of more jam, and peach cobbler and peach crisp. So far I made cooked jam from that, which was an accident because I thought I was making freezer jam, so I had to hand that out so it could be consumed with in a couple of weeks( I had 9 cups of it). Then I care fully read the recipies from that point on and have sucessfully made 3 batches of freezer jam! 1 batch of peach (7 cups) and 2 batches of strawberry (10 cups)( I got the strawberries for $2 for 2lbs at Sams club. Needless to say I feel like I have had some help getting prepaired this month! What would you do with out great neighbors and great sales from our grocery stores!
I have planned to make next week some blackberry freezer jam, strawberry peach freezer jam and blackberry peach freezer jam! I just have to wait till my next grocery trip to get more freezer containers and fruit pectin!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

The baby is moving!

15 weeks 4 days

I just felt the baby move today! I questioned it for the last week but today it was for sure. It was getting sqwished by a full bladder!( I guess the baby didnt like that.) So now I feel like its really happening. I washed all my 0-3 month boy and girl clothes so I am prepaird for whoever greets us in February!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Dr. Visit

So I had my second Dr. visit today. All is well, the heartbeat was normal, I was normal, it was just a normal visit! Yeah good news. My next appointment will be on September 30th, right before my trip to Nebraska! It will be an ultrasound visit so I could find out the sex if we want to. But I think we are still going to wait, I get all teary eyed thinking of delivery day and everyone finds out together! I love lifes miracles! We also get to have a DVD recording of it so if your interested in viewing it let me know. Or if you want to come along for the visit let me know too its at 9:00 am on the 30th!